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Títol: Mapping global production in New York City´s garment industry: The role of Sunset Park, Brooklyn´s immigrant economy
Autor: Hum T
Volum: 17, Issue:3
Pàgines: 294-309
Any: 2003
Codi ISBN/ISSN: 0891-2424
Tipus de document: Article
Paraules clau: Incubator
Idioma: Anglès
Enllaç: http://edq.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/17/3/294
Resum: As a key production site in New York City´s garment industry, Brooklyn´s Sunset Park neighborhood is increasingly made up of small Asian and Latino immigrant-owned firms. Market conditions created by the globalization of garment production and the continued influx of low-skill immigrants promote a primary competitive advantage embedded in "low-road" strategies evident in the prevalence of sweatshop conditions. Reflecting a "carrot and stick" approach, Sunset Park has been a target for the federal and state departments of labor as well as the site for developing a garment manufacturers´ incubator Brooklyn Mills. This article examines the mismatch of using a conventional economic development strategy to address the conditions of Sunset Park´s immigrant economy. Brooklyn Mills illustrates how immigrant firms feel the stick but benefit little in terms of innovative policy intervention, that is, carrots, to stimulate equitable development in a sweatshop economy.
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