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Títol: High tech start-ups in University Science Park incubators: The relationship between the start-up´s lifecycle progression and use of the incubator´s resources
Autor: McAdam M (McAdam Maura)1 McAdam R (McAdam Rodney)2
Volum: 28 Issue: 5
Pàgines: 277-290
Any: 2008
Codi ISBN/ISSN: 0166-4972
Tipus de document: Article
Paraules clau: Science Park,university incubators; high technology firms; lifecycle; entrepreneurial growth
Idioma: Anglès
Resum: University Science Park incubators (USIs) have emerged as a means by which Government, academia and business can develop high technology business firms (spin out HTBFs) from initial conception through to becoming established small firms, which are ready to move beyond the Science Park confines. Although there is considerable literature on how USIs can be improved and developed there is a paucity of studies, which explore how lifecycle development within HTBFs in USIs can affect how they use the unique resources and opportunities of the USI. Moreover, there is a focus on single point in time studies, which do not adequately investigate the longitudinal dynamics of HTBF lifecycle development within USIs. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to explore the longitudinal use of the unique resources of the USI by HTBFs at different lifecycle stages. The research methodology involved 18 HTBFs within two separate USIs. A series of longitudinal interviews and focus groups were conducted with HTBFs and USI staff over a 36-month period. NUD*lST software was used in developing the coding and analysis of transcripts. The results show that a HTBFs propensity to make effective use of the USI´s resources and support increases as the lifecycle stage of the company increases and the small-firm searches for independence and autonomy. Therefore, further research is required to investigate the following two outstanding questions; firstly, which usage pattern is associated with the HTBF´s ultimate success or failure in the marketplace? And secondly, are there any services missing front the observed array that the USI could provide to enhance the HTBF´s degree of ultimate success.
Adreça: Queens Univ Belfast, Sch Management & Econ, Belfast BT7 1NN, Antrim North Ireland 2. Univ Ulster, Sch Business Org & Management, Newtownabbey BT37 OQB, Antrim North Ireland E-mail Addresses: m.mcadam@qub.ac.uk, r.mcadam@ulster.ac.uk
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