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Esteu a: Inici , Informació d'interès , Recursos Bibliogràfics.

Recursos Bibliogràfics

Títol: Transfer processes of knowledge in the biotechnology area
Autor: Martinez AA (Albert Martinez Armando)
Volum: 184
Pàgines: 677-686
Any: 2008
Codi ISBN/ISSN: 0210-1963
Tipus de document: Article
Paraules clau: cooperative research; management of intellectual property; new technology based enterprises; business strategy; strategic alliances
Idioma: Castellà
Resum: Biotechnology is an strategic technology based on scientific knowledge. The analysis of indicators obtained from the appropriate data bases, allows to know the human resources, the results of the scientific research and technological productivity of the public sector of R+D. The transfer of this knowledge and technology to the enterprises occurs through: a) Cooperative research between the public sector and the industries b) The management and licensing of the intellectual property of the public sector of R+D, c) Creating new enterprises spin-off or start-up by the universities and public research centres. To translate scientific knowledge into innovations with commercial success it is convenient: to have a good relationship between the academic research and that of the enterprises, to include the role of science in the business strategy of the companies and to use the strategic alliances with other companies as a method of technology transfer.
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